This September marks the official milestone 15 years of construction and development of the giant Google, after the first day, when Larry Page and Sergey Brin created a tool to collect data in a tiny garage site in the valley Silicon Valley.
At that time, this tool called BackRub. By 1997, the above web tool was officially renamed Google. Nevertheless, this name is actually the result of a spelling error, the two authors of the project this tool is named "googol" (words to describe one of a number of zero and 100 in Later, referring to the huge amount of data Google).

The home screen of Google beta.
On the issue of "birth" of the major search engines on the planet, there are many mixed opinions regarding it, however, most of the documents are confirmed, company profile is officially recognized on 4 September 1998. Google officially put into operation three days later, and its domain was registered on September 15. To date, no understanding whatever reason, Google officially celebrate his birthday with Doodle on the homepage on 27/9.

So far Google is firmly in place the largest search engine in the world with over 13 billion queries statements each month. Themselves from "Google" Oxford dictionary also recognized as a verb meaning "search".
Although only a modest beginning in a rented garage belonging to Susan Wojcicki - sister of Brin - Google now has 70 offices in over 40 countries worldwide with headquarters located called Googleplex in Mountain View, California.
Even in the early years, Google's reputation has blossomed rapidly and widely known stock index search data varied, plentiful and relatively complete. Later, the service such as Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Streetview, ... and life turn out to be an integral part of each individual's life in the digital age.

The system products and diverse services, Google has and will creep to every corner of the world's smallest Internet.
Google Android OS which is also owned platform has been the largest market share in the mobile industry. It is also very successful in working with Asus or LG to launch many hardware products bearing its own identity. In 2011, Google acquired Motorola with the initial results of Moto X, where it received much praise from the tech community loves.

Android is a product shows Google's strategic vision. Reportedly, the upcoming version of the Android 4.4 operating system will be called ... KitKat, a chocolate coated wafers of Nestle.
In the future, Google also promises to bring to the world the product used almost only in science fiction films such as Google Glass or self-driving cars.

Surely Google Glass will be available for mass use in the following year at the latest.
For what it is all brought to users, Google received a lot of praise for his tremendous success achieved. However, many people also skeptical about the "giants" will also in the number one position for how long.Answer this question, many experts believe that if Google continues to pioneer innovative and what they are doing, maintaining champion would be no more difficult to stage 15 next year.
Google and the highlights in the history.

Google and the highlights in the history.
September, 1998 - Google Inc.. was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
July, 2000 - Google has officially become the biggest search engine in the world.
July, 2001 - Advanced image search (Google Images) born.
February, 2003 - Google acquired Blogger blogging platform.
March, 2004 - Gmail went into operation.
October, 2004 - Google released Desktop Search application, this is the time of data warehouses Google index reached 8 billion figure.
June, 2005 - A busy month of Google when it launched four simultaneous service Google Earth, Maps, Talk and Video.
July, 2005 - Google Android in hand.
October, 2006 - Google acquired the video-sharing service YouTube, the following is one of many tools to bring the most profit for Google.
September, 2008 - Google's index data reaches 1 trillion, this is also the time Google Chrome browser was revealed.
July, 2009 - Operating system Chrome OS for netbooks released.
July, 2010 - the first Nexus phone, the Nexus One, was born, marking Google's commitment to the game hardware.
August, 2011 - The plan to acquire Motorola Mobility by Google was widely publicized.
March, 2012 - Play Store in operation.
June, 2012 - Cooperation with Asus Google Nexus 7 tablet was introduced along with the development plans Google Google Glass is also widely published.
June, 2013 Google and Facebook jump into the race to acquire Waze oriented company. Final victory belongs to Google. This will be a significant deal tremendous in improving Google maps and software operability of self-driving cars.
June, 2013 - Google introduces Internet coverage of the project ... balloon.
At that time, this tool called BackRub. By 1997, the above web tool was officially renamed Google. Nevertheless, this name is actually the result of a spelling error, the two authors of the project this tool is named "googol" (words to describe one of a number of zero and 100 in Later, referring to the huge amount of data Google).
The home screen of Google beta.
On the issue of "birth" of the major search engines on the planet, there are many mixed opinions regarding it, however, most of the documents are confirmed, company profile is officially recognized on 4 September 1998. Google officially put into operation three days later, and its domain was registered on September 15. To date, no understanding whatever reason, Google officially celebrate his birthday with Doodle on the homepage on 27/9.
So far Google is firmly in place the largest search engine in the world with over 13 billion queries statements each month. Themselves from "Google" Oxford dictionary also recognized as a verb meaning "search".
Although only a modest beginning in a rented garage belonging to Susan Wojcicki - sister of Brin - Google now has 70 offices in over 40 countries worldwide with headquarters located called Googleplex in Mountain View, California.
Even in the early years, Google's reputation has blossomed rapidly and widely known stock index search data varied, plentiful and relatively complete. Later, the service such as Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Streetview, ... and life turn out to be an integral part of each individual's life in the digital age.
The system products and diverse services, Google has and will creep to every corner of the world's smallest Internet.
Google Android OS which is also owned platform has been the largest market share in the mobile industry. It is also very successful in working with Asus or LG to launch many hardware products bearing its own identity. In 2011, Google acquired Motorola with the initial results of Moto X, where it received much praise from the tech community loves.
Android is a product shows Google's strategic vision. Reportedly, the upcoming version of the Android 4.4 operating system will be called ... KitKat, a chocolate coated wafers of Nestle.
In the future, Google also promises to bring to the world the product used almost only in science fiction films such as Google Glass or self-driving cars.
Surely Google Glass will be available for mass use in the following year at the latest.
For what it is all brought to users, Google received a lot of praise for his tremendous success achieved. However, many people also skeptical about the "giants" will also in the number one position for how long.Answer this question, many experts believe that if Google continues to pioneer innovative and what they are doing, maintaining champion would be no more difficult to stage 15 next year.
Google and the highlights in the history.
Google and the highlights in the history.
September, 1998 - Google Inc.. was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin
July, 2000 - Google has officially become the biggest search engine in the world.
July, 2001 - Advanced image search (Google Images) born.
February, 2003 - Google acquired Blogger blogging platform.
March, 2004 - Gmail went into operation.
October, 2004 - Google released Desktop Search application, this is the time of data warehouses Google index reached 8 billion figure.
June, 2005 - A busy month of Google when it launched four simultaneous service Google Earth, Maps, Talk and Video.
July, 2005 - Google Android in hand.
October, 2006 - Google acquired the video-sharing service YouTube, the following is one of many tools to bring the most profit for Google.
September, 2008 - Google's index data reaches 1 trillion, this is also the time Google Chrome browser was revealed.
July, 2009 - Operating system Chrome OS for netbooks released.
July, 2010 - the first Nexus phone, the Nexus One, was born, marking Google's commitment to the game hardware.
August, 2011 - The plan to acquire Motorola Mobility by Google was widely publicized.
March, 2012 - Play Store in operation.
June, 2012 - Cooperation with Asus Google Nexus 7 tablet was introduced along with the development plans Google Google Glass is also widely published.
June, 2013 Google and Facebook jump into the race to acquire Waze oriented company. Final victory belongs to Google. This will be a significant deal tremendous in improving Google maps and software operability of self-driving cars.
June, 2013 - Google introduces Internet coverage of the project ... balloon.
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